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Moby Dick
Razpoložljivost: Na zalogi
Akcijska cena 17,40 € Redna cena 29,00 €
Naša lastna različica te legendarne sorte konoplje zagotavlja uravnoteženo kombinacijo arom, okusov in kakovosti ... To je močan hibrid, ki zaradi svoje izjemne narave še naprej privablja nove oboževalce z enakomernim tempom.

We stand before a creature who is impressive in every way, with plants that flower in just 9-10 weeks indoors and produce thick and dense buds which can amount to up to 550 g/m2. These buds display different shades of green, from light to dark, with deep orange pistils that spread and twirl between the sugar leaves.

When freed from her chains and grown outdoors, this beast demonstrates all her powers in sunny and warm conditions like those of the Mediterranean. The weight of each plant can amount to 600 grams, with her roots holding her to the earth with great tenacity while her flowers become coated in a dazzling blanket of crystalline resin which is a true symbol of her grandeur… A shining and sparkling layer of trichomes that mimics the first frost of autumn, making her easily recognisable in the seas of plants of mid- and late October.

Več informacij

Proizvajalec Kannabia
Vrsta Sativa
Tip Feminizirana
Genotip (Indica/Sativa) ni na voljo
Tip gojenja Indoor/Outdoor
Družina ni na voljo
Križanec med G13 Haze x White Widow
THC 22 %
CBD ni na voljo
Čas cvetenja indoor 63-70 days
Donos indoor 550 gr/m2
Čas cvetenja outdoor October
Donos indoor 600 gr/plant
Učinek Spodbudno
Okus (aroma) Citronsko, zemeljsko, začinjeno

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